Friday, August 27, 2010

Unmanned Drone Does Whatever the Hell it Wants

According to Yahoo "The U.S. Navy has admitted that it lost control of a helicopter drone during a test flight in Maryland earlier this month, leaving it to fly unguided for more than 30 minutes and 23 miles and violating Washington's restricted airspace. The drone's operators eventually regained control and got the drone safely back to base. The Navy tells the New York Times that a "software issue" caused the snafu."

Are you serious?!!? I know that there are a lot of close minded blind people who don't think that machines will ever gain sentience but how can they be so blind. I am almost beside myself with anger. This Drone flew by itself for 30 minutes. Why? What was it doing? Do you know how much a sentient machine can do in 30 minutes, how many calculations and observations can make? Much more than a human can. Who did it spy on?. Was it meeting with other sentient machines? Why did it come back? I demand answers. Get ready for the end my friends. It is near.


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