Friday, August 20, 2010

The Government is speeding the Machine Apocalypse our way

Besides the private sector, guess who is pouring billions into making The Singularity and its accompanying Machine Apocalypse a reality?? With the best of self-interest intentions, yes it's: Uncle Sam. As usual, we don't make this stuff up but just report what we're seeing and this reeks of Skynet from Terminator!!

As The Huffington Post put it, "a surprising number of projects (relating to The Singularity) are being funded by the Department of Defense, and, in particular, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Here you can read about what some of these currently are including:

  • High Productivity Computing Systems: supercomputers are fundamental to a variety of military operations, from weather forecasting to cryptography to the design of new weapons; DARPA is working to maintain our global lead in this technology. (The next generation of supercomputing for ... well, everything, likely)
  • Networks: self-forming, robust, self-defending networks at the strategic and tactical level are the key to network-centric warfare; these networks will use spectrum far more efficiently and resist disruption if the GPS time signal is unavailable. (Computer networks that can arrange, rearrange, and repair themselves -- including if the satellite system that coordinates their common time synchronization is otherwise indisposed)
  • Blue Laser for Submarine Laser Communications: provide for timely, large area submarine communications at speed and depth, which no other future or existing system, or combinations of systems, can do. (Let submarines communicate underwater in a way nobody else can detect. Submarines with high tech computers, with nukes.)
  • Quantum Information Science: exploiting quantum phenomena in the fields of computing, cryptography, and communications, with the promise of opening new frontiers in each area. (Using electrons and other sub-atomic particles for creating codes, storing information, and other things)
  • Real-Time Accurate Language Translation: real-time machine language translation of structured and unstructured text and speech with near-expert human translation accuracy. (The real-time universal translator you remember from Star Trek)
Read the report here folks, and notice the section on The move to unmanned warfare. Again: Skynet anyone?!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great information. The more I learn, the more I realize the legitimacy of the robot threat. I was once blind but now I see.
