Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Spy Satellites

All of our loyal followers might have noticed that our posts terminated suddenly towards the middle of October. We had a security breach at our compound and we had to go completely off the grid to save our own lives. While the risks continue to be high we will still try and provide you with information regarding the coming machine apocalypse when we have time.

With today's technology it is extremely hard to stay off the grid what with a of Skynet's monitoring capabilities. That is why the launch of a new Spy Satellite causes a lot of concern for us. I understand that these things can be used for our good and for our protection but they can also be used against us by machines. In this specific case, the government admits that the rocket being used to launch the spy satellite is "the United States' biggest unmanned rocket currently in service." If it is unmanned then who do you suppose is flying it? That's right, machines have been given access to the rocket that will fly it, and therefore they have access to the satellite itself.

I can't deny that I am scared about the implication of this satellite.We will continue to try and warn as long as we can, but with technology like this at the machines disposal, it is inevitable that our blog and our compound will be found and eradicated at some point in time. Until that happens we will continue to fight the machines.


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